Key Tips To Increase Engagement On Social Media

By Salvador Godoy

Social networks have become the main communication channel between a company and current and future customers. How can we increase engagement on social networks to improve the flow of communication? Very simple, with the techniques and advice that we leave you here.

Here I will start with several vital statistics related to the use of social networks, mentioning different studies. Then we will give you four tips to increase your engagement on social networks, delving into each. We hope you find it helpful and that you enjoy reading it as much as we did writing it for you!

How to increase participation in social networks

Engagement, consists of creating lasting bonds with people, that is, with the target audience. The same links that can be established through social networks and that are the ones that will show the trust of users towards the brand.

But the trust and commitment of customers towards the company is not the only advantage derived from enhancing engagement on social networks. There's still more. It increases word of mouth, improves loyalty to the company, and is a much more effective conversion tool than the usual advertising.

According to data from Statista, almost 80% of people have an account on social networks. However, few brands manage to attract followers. Most have profiles on the leading social networks, but they hardly ever socialize and know their followers. What good is social media if we don't use it to connect better and understand our audience? Perhaps we should put it another way. How can a company increase engagement on social media? Let's see it!

It is about giving clear and direct answers to the comments of Internet users and doing it almost in real-time. In this way, you show them active participation in the conversation. Many consumers like to communicate with brands through social networks instead of by phone or email, which presents an opportunity for brands to establish a connection with their followers.

Of course, responding to comments means doing so, whether negative or positive. Constructive criticism can help us grow as a company. Create a community to be able to listen to the audience actively; that is the strategy to follow. Always respond respectfully and seek to solve the user's problem in his case. Some conversations must be treated delicately in the digital sphere to avoid reputational crises. The brand must always provide patience, education, and search for solutions.

Offer something new

And do it using humor. You can, for example, organize a contest. Who doesn't love to enter contests with a chance to win something? Contests are fun and interactive to engage your followers, get them talking about your brand, and introduce them to different products or services. Advertise the contest through all your active social media channels. Determine how long it will last and the rules to participate in detail so that there is no confusion or anything is taken for granted by users. This will increase the visibility of the brand and the level of commitment to it.

Go visual: Images and more images

In a study published by eMarketer, company pages that post content with images on social networks increases visitor engagement by up to 87%. A user's attention is something fleeting that you have to know how to capture in the short time you have. For this, an attractive image can include a lot of positively. But it's not just about that. You also have to be honest and consistent. Solve problems quickly and efficiently and share content related to the company.

Short videos another ideal way to increase engagement on social media

Graphics and images are essential, but users, as you know, are fond of videos (even more so if they are live), so it should be on the list of strategies to increase participation and the number of followers. On the other hand, this format allows you to display relevant and current brand content. The use of gifs and mini-videos also helps to make the publications more dynamic. Short duration, clear message, and storytelling are keys to a good mini-video.

If you still don't know it, we recommend you read "why do you need a corporate video?" a post in which we talk about its importance, what kind of corporate videos exist, ideas to carry them out, what to say in them, recommendations for its creation and production, etc.

Post at the right time, use the hashtags that have the most followers, and create current and innovative content, and you will be able to increase engagement with your target audience. Providing value and caring for your followers are two mantras for a good community manager.

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