Why apply a Marketing 5.0 strategy in my business?

By Salvador Godoy

A Marketing 5.0 strategy in your business will have the use of technology as its main focus. As you must already know, Marketing is something that is always evolving and modernizing to follow present and future trends. Now, one of the main concepts that is being applied in the market is Marketing 5.0. But what exactly is it, and why should you use it in your company as soon as possible? Read on to find out!

What is Marketing 5.0?

Accelerated mainly by the Covid-19 pandemic, technology has evolved rapidly, and marketing has leapfrogged to keep up with this new reality. Today it is considered that Marketing has already reached its 5.0 stage, and is now joining artificial intelligence with Data Driven strategies to provide the user with an even more agile and personalized experience through physical and digital channels.

According to Philip Kotler, one of the leading theorists in the discipline of marketing and markets, Marketing 5.0 walks side by side with technology and innovation. Among the concepts applied to Marketing 5.0 are process automation tools, Data Driven marketing, Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual and Augmented Reality, among other tools that we have seen emerge with increasing force in our environment.

So, you must be wondering where to start and how to update your marketing strategy so you don't get left behind in the market. Read on for some tips that will serve as a starting point for Marketing 5.0!

How can I apply a Marketing 5.0 strategy in my business?

In addition to the use of technology, a good Marketing 5.0 strategy should also focus on connecting with the customer. That is, it must support an important cause for the buyer persona, move the customer emotionally and encourage them to be an "ambassador" of your brand.

Increasingly, people expect companies to display social and environmental responsibility with their products, services, and actions. This is why Marketing 5.0 comes to highlight the importance of an agile, effective, current and, above all, responsible strategy.

So, we can highlight five main objectives of a good Marketing 5.0 strategy:

Capture the emotion of the client and transform it into a promoter of your brand: create campaigns that speak directly to the client, touching on important themes that generate connection. For example, climate change, gender equality and other issues that are aligned with the values of your brand help to bring identity and personality to your company.

Support just causes, with social and environmental responsibility: the above is directly connected to the defense of just causes, social and environmental responsibility. Today and especially in the new generations, a brand being involved with social causes can generate added value to its products or services.

Use technological tools to optimize human connection (personalization resources, identification, automation, etc.): Data Driven strategies, for example, allow data to be captured and transformed into personalized marketing campaigns. An example is the recommendations by YouTube viewing history, or the georeferenced recommendations of order apps. Today this seems common, but it is a very important step for the success of Marketing 5.0.

Expand the customer experience to the five senses of the consumer: delivering experiences beyond product offerings can be a great differential for your company. Sounds, textures, smells, flavors, experiences in the Metaverse or in Virtual Realities are increasingly used and generate more and more engagement with the public.

A complete Marketing 5.0 strategy must be technological and intelligent

There are many tools available to apply different Marketing 5.0 strategies today. From resources for data acquisition, analysis and segmentation, to tools for automating sales processes or ad campaigns, they can be applied to achieve an effective, agile and profitable strategy.

At the Orchestra agency, we are experts in Performance Marketing and Digital Marketing. We apply all the main tools to deliver results in your Marketing 5.0 strategy, reducing the load on your creative team so that they can focus on generating more connection with the audience, so important to differentiate today.

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